
Showing posts from May, 2017

Teaching/ Learning Heat Sources and Flames? Consider this Engaging Animation

  A Screenshot of Bunsen Burner Animation from Pearson Places Heat sources  and flames is a Form One Topic. Bunsen Burner is one of the most reliable heat sources used in laboratories. Students are therefore taught how it works including lighting and putting it off. The source of energy for the burner is gas, which implies that failure to use it properly may lead to disastrous fire. Students are taught step by step procedures on how to light and putting it off without causing harmful fire. Thanks to Pearson project which summarized the procedures in this engaging animation where students are given an opportunity to practice the procedures before they face a real Bunsen burner. Failure to light or turning it off according to the procedures, the animation will explode. This is one of its beauty. It allows students to test their understanding on the types of  Bunsen Burner flames and skills on how to light and putting it off. You can access and use the Bunsen Burn...

Searching, Downloading and Adapting Digital Learning Resources is a Skill

 A screenshot of Chemistry Animation, Atomic Interactions from Phet Simulations  There are plenty of  online Digital Learning Resources (DLR's) over the internet. Some are available for free while others need to be paid in order to get access. However, finding excellent sources has never been an easy task. It is not just a matter of googling and landing to the reliable websites. It need someone committed and with passion. Sometimes, it is easy to feel that you are wasting time. I once had the experience of searching, downloading and organizing  DLR's for hard to teach science topics in secondary schools. It needed courage, passion, commitment and time. One has to be a real "Netizen".  I came across various online platforms with attractive science learning resources. You can read one of my blog post here (in Swahili) where I discussed a bit about some of these websites with attractive DLR's. Digital learning resources can be videos, animations, pict...

Sharing is Caring: Teachers can Learn, Ispired, Aspired and Earn from Teachers

In the previous article, I featured about the rare culture of majority of fellow Tanzanian Teachers to share their teaching experiences. The culture seem to be very common to western teachers. They share what they practice, believe and what works for them. This is an important move towards improvement and innovation in teaching and learning. In Tanzanian context, things might be different. It is very easy for us to reside on the challenges imposed by teaching environment rather than focusing on what we can do. Focusing on what teachers can do is a special alert for teachers who blame about poor teaching environment and are still at their working stations. Allowing yourself to experience the hardships is a way forward towards innovation rather than blaming about the poor working conditions. There is a need for teachers to shift their attitudes and allow changes to emanate from within. Those with the courage to share their teaching practices experiences are not only motivated by attr...

Sharing Classroom Teaching Experiences: A Rare Culture Among Tanzanian Teachers

In recent years, internet has been one of my major sources of knowledge and skills. Whether preparing to facilitate learning or studying computer programing, internet contains almost anything you would like to learn. As a Netizen, apart from learning what others share on the internet, I also learn why they share their contents although the reasons for sharing my not always be apparent. In this article, I want to share with you the culture I learned from Western Teachers. The culture of sharing what happens in their classes. Challenges, achievements, innovations and their prospects as far as teaching and learning is concerned. I have come cross several blogs and Websites owned by teachers themselves and some other platforms owned by educational organizations where teachers share their facilitation experiences. Through these teacher's live experiences, I have learned several aspects of teaching and learning. Among them, is the culture of sharing teaching and learning practices te...

Upimaji ni Ufundishaji Ikiwa Walimu Wataamua

  Mfano wa Andalio la Somo: Picha kwa hisani ya Katika Makala zilizopita nimekuwa nikijadili mambo mbali mbali yanayohusu ujifunzaji unaomzingatia mwanafunzi. Huu ni mfumo wa uwezeshaji na ujifunzaji unaompa mwanafunzi fursa ya kutumia muda wake, maarifa yake na uwezo wake kiakili na kiuchumi katika kujifunza. Kwenye makala zilizotangulia, kuna wakati nilisisitiza kuwa, madarasa yanapaswa kutazamwa kama “karakana za kujifunzia”. Hata hivyo, hali ni tofauti kwenye shule zetu. Madarasa yamekuwa kama vikao vya walimu vya kuwasilisha wanayojifunza wao. Ili elimu yetu iwe na manufaa, hatuna budi kubadili mtazamo kuhusu namna wanafunzi wanavyopaswa kujifunza. Wanafunzi watambue wajibu wao wa kujituma katika kujifunza. Wafahamu kuwa wao ndio watendaji wakuu kwenye ujifunzaji wao. Kupitia ushiriki wao, wanafunzi wanajifunza stadi muhimu kama vile kujifunza namna ya kujifunza, kuwasiliana, uwezo mkubwa wa kufikiri na kutatua changamoto. Katika kufanikis...

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