
Showing posts from October, 2021

Math Activity: Proving the SAS Congruence theorem

This activity is based on Tanzanian Mathematics Syllabus for Secondary Schools. As a student, you are supposed to perform a series of tasks to develop an understanding of congruence of figures as well as proving the SAS congruence theorem. Proceed as follows:  1.  You are provided with shapes of different size as those shown in the figure below. Use any means of       your choice, sort out figures which are exactly the same. Give reasons.           2.      For the group of same figures, take two sets of figures and measure their angles and sides and draw a conclusion about your observation. 3.      Repeat task 3 but this time, use one figure from each group. What is your observation? 4.      Based on findings in tasks 3 and 4, what properties make the figures same or different? 5.      What is the term used to describe figures which are...

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